Full Tilt Responds to the Recent Take Down of FullTiltPoker.com

April 19, 2011

As part of last week’s overhaul of Full Tilt Poker, PokerStars, Absolute Poker, and UB.com, which completely eradicated them from the US market, the FBI brought down the online poker giants on charges of fraud and money laundering. They also ordered the arrest of 11 founding members and executives of these sites including Full Tilt Poker’s CEO Raymond Bitar and Full Tilt Poker employee Nelson Burtnick. Full Tilt Poker headquarters is based out of Dublin, Ireland, a move they made from LA after the UIGEA was enacted in 2006.

If you are looking for an online poker site that is still taking US players, click here.

In response to their domain being seized, Full Tilt Poker has redirected its traffic to FullTiltPoker.co.uk, available to all non-US players. Full Tilt Poker also made the following statement after it all went down:

“Mr. Bitar and Full Tilt Poker believe online poker is legal, a position also taken by some of the best legal minds in the United States.”

Thirty-nine-year-old also added, “I am surprised and disappointed by the government’s decision to bring these charges. I look forward to Mr. Burtnick’s and my exoneration.”

They went on to ensure that players’ assets were safe:

“In light of recent events involving the freezing of certain accounts, Full Tilt Poker would like to assure all players that their funds remain safe and secure. Processing of both deposit and withdrawal requests is proceeding as normal and is still available to all of our players.”

They also mentioned in regards to , “Full Tilt Poker remains committed to the protection of our players’ security and legal rights, and will continue to provide the best and safest online poker room available worldwide.”

Over the past four to five years, Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars shared 70% of the US online poker market and earned around $1 billion from online poker each year, so they should both have plenty of money to pay the US government’s damages estimated at a mere $3 billion.


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